

Why CTI Integration for Contact Centers?

Businesses realized in the late 80s that serving customers remotely & be available when the customer needs you is more productive & cost-effective than helping them face to face, which give birth to the call centre industry. With every passing year, businesses are learning new ways to attract & serve customers while customers are becoming more aware. Companies faced challenges in keeping the cost lower & serve more customers. For this, they have to spend money on technology stack.

With the introduction of IVR, although a journey from static IVRs to dynamic is long & insightful for both customers & businesses. IVRs were real game-changers in the Contact centre industry, especially when companies moved from static IVR to dynamic IVR with self-service options. Furthermore, it was a significant cost saving for businesses as IVR handles most customers without needing to interact with agents. All this was possible because of Computer Telephony Integration, known as CTI. CTI enable contact centres to handle large inbound and outbound call volume efficiently.

CTI allows agents to take a data-driven approach while handling customers; their job is not merely just answering phones. With CTI, they can be more productive and meaningful & reach solutions quicker.


CTI level integration is now possible at IVR and agent levels. It helps businesses in different ways. Cost efficiencies

  • Improvement in overall SLA
  • Agent efficiency
  • Enhanced reporting

Now agents don’t have to wait for customers to introduce themselves or repeat why they called the contact centre. Instead, the agent gets the screen pop against the customer’s ANI, account number, and email before the call lands on the Agent Desktop.

Agents now don’t have to toggle between different applications while handling customers.

How can Octavebytes Help?

Octavebytes is an AWS partner focused on providing professional services for Amazon connect (Omni-cloud Contact Center solution). To overcome the gaps in the Contact centre industry & help businesses serve their customers efficiently, Octavebytes has developed many dynamic products. One of the products is CTI connectors for Amazon connect customers looking for seamless integration between CRMs & contact centres.

Our HubSpot CTI Connector provides seamless integration between HubSpot and amazon connect for both inbound and outbound calling with the following features:

  • Pause & Resume of call recording while on a call with the customer
  • Engagement & Call activity creation in Hubspot
  • Multi-call handling
  • Call Recording activity

To find out more, contact us at sales@octavebytes.com or visit our website:

Octavebytes – Innovating Customer Experience

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